Sunday, February 23, 2014

Where My Feet May Fail

My whole week has been super long, and tiring. For one, I got really sick, and I am just exhausted. I feel ultimately blessed. I feel like in the past two months my faith in God has stretched to limits I had no idea existed. I have been tested with trust, patience, health, and relationships. Through this all God has helped me stand. I cant express enough how important it is to fall into the arms of the Lord. I used to have a set of things I wanted my future husband to have. Things like love sports, like to exercise, be funny, and not be a Yankees fan. All of which I know seem ridiculous. NOW I do not care. All I want is for him to love the Lord with all his mind, strength, and heart. I want a man who diligently seeks the Lord through prayer, through the word, and through complete worship. I want the man who walks in a room showered in God's love, and who extends it to others. I want a leader who knows his love in Christ, and who knows he is made new. I want to serve a man who all he wants to do is make Jesus Christ known no matter the cost. To me Christ is absolutely the only thing that matters. I don't care if I have 5 cents to my name someday or 5 million. I want Jesus. I don't care if I end up having a million friends through my life, or just ten. I want Jesus. I ultimately don't care about having kids someday if that's not Gods plan. I want Jesus. I don't care if I ever get to have a husband. I want Jesus. My heart longs for things above, and it grows at a crazy rate. Sure, I may fail a million times. I have a messy past. Not to mention I have treated people bad in my past, and I struggle deeply with that still. But God has made me new. He keeps no record of wrongs. That is not who I am anymore. I am made new in Christ. HE IS ALL I NEED. Though my flesh may fail, God never will.

Be Blessed,


Zephaniah 3:17